Monday 27 December 2021

Just Cause 4....


After getting Just Cause 4 free on Epic some time ago(2 ish years?), I just installed and played it over the weekend; To see for myself what all the fuss(at the time) was about. A bit late but curiosity got the better of me. The main reason for even looking in it's direction was a scan through all the free games on Epic which I've claimed over the years; To take a second glance at those that were the more popular/ heavier hitters

Long story short, the game is decent as are the game mechanics, but it does feel and look janky a.f. 
It's the nature of the beast. Can't have the good unless you accept the bad due to it being what it is. In order to make the grapple physics work and flow you have to accept a massive level of sloppy phsics and clipping etc. 

It's not a game to take itself seriously which is the best way to look at it(for the most part) as a gamer. 
Between the character(s) and the game mechanics fun it can indeed still be repetitive. 
The chaos of situations and the way you can use the game mechanics in a pinch is the real fun part. That feeling of epic fun as you string together a range of moves.... At least at the start. Later it's more of a taken for granted element and then it looses it's special sauce 'feel'. 'Special' can only be special for so long before it wears out it's welcome. At least it seems that way for me, in this game. 

All told I lasted about an hour into the game. Having seen and played it, it's just not a game for me. I get what and why it is what it is, but I'd rather play a more 'normal' Far Cry game and get what I'd feel is a better story arc from it. Each to their own. 

It's not like other games haven't done what it's done(new and old), from grapple hook to squirrel suit to parachute etc etc etc. I'm not saying a modern writer can't create a classic masterpiece but there's a cráp ton of wheel reinvention these days. But that's reading a whole lot into the game and way overanalyzing it. The game is fun but it's no masterpiece. It still deserves to have it's place on the shelf.

It does make me wonder about the Uncharted franchise. Maybe it'd be a better more traditional 'Tomb Raider'-esque modern action game series..... With Indiana Jones vibes for good measure. If only it wasn't on 'just' the Pony Slaystation(Next iteration seems to be on all platforms next year). No access has always meant I discounted it(I'm a Xbox boy). Also when I say tomb raider I mean the franchise up to Tomb Raider IV. Yea I'm old(not that old but you know...). I was no fan after TR IV and it's been in nose dive after nose dive since(imho) with all the wheel reinvention trying to change it to in the moment sensibilities rather than be timeless story and gameplay. Overall I guess the latest and greatest of the genre don't 'do it for me'. No matter the tricks up collective sleeves, just like, Batman, Spiderman, Monster hunter World, Titanfall 2, just about every Assassin’s Creed game...... Tarzan must me turning on his vine.

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