Wednesday 29 December 2021

Star Trek Online....

The last couple of days has seen both or my PC and Xbox accounts claim the winter event reward ship. I've no plans to use it on either side except for my PC's Discovery character; For no other reason than to be thematic. In saying that there's something to be said for broadening game knowledge. There's an interesting fit done by 1800BrokenSoul who did a show and tell vid Eisenberg Star Cruiser T6 - DS9 NOG - Q's Winter Wonderland! 2021 Tac Drain build?. I might learn something by imitation. So I've both claimed the ship to the character and started on the rep items needed. 

Overall I'm still enjoying the winter event. Plus the extra dil daily reward on some characters is well needed.

With the latest Phoenix prize event I've drained all Dil across the board to buy upgrade tokens so I'm behind on both rep and Dil to claim the items needed for the bulk of the fit.

Still, having to run the character through advanced TFO's to get more rep tokens has been showing how good his current T5-X ship is. Even taking him with it into Elite patrols to test things out with surprising success.

As with all things in STO there are a lot of variables from Ship, to characters and traits for both etc; But I'm aiming to have this character be a lot closer to the end goal of a 'copied' fit than most others I've done. Time and compromise choices will tell in the end.
On that note I've always hesitated to mess about with a characters traits too much in such situations. I guess I'm 'funny' when it comes to a characters and how comfortable I am with them already when considering 'messing about with them. Personal knowledge and experience vs the unknown or unknowable. Overall I'm not that complex a STO player.

The Discovery Character was created 'just because' and has no real purpose other than to faff about with(and farm dil). So in that vein I've no problem with wiping that slate clean and reworking him. My main is the other end of that spectrum, with so many ships and fits he is set as a multi-tool that does it all with the least possible hassle hopping from one to the other(and still keep me happy).
Speaking of which I'm still having fun on my main with the Mirror Warship and it's ad-hoc fit.

The more things change the more they stay the same. In more ways than one.

After reading a short yet polite tweet from a prominent community STO 'influencer' I was left questioning their judgment. Maybe it was their mood, maybe it was their elitism boiling over or just a chip on their shoulder for Microsoft and/or Sony. Whatever it was they were wanting STO gamers on console to play on PC instead. Even if it was a potato of a PC. To start fresh on a new platform; That's so cocky, so egotistic I'm left to waffle like this on the internet. I wanted to replay in the heat of the moment but that just leads to animosity and a 40 tweet response with someone I don't know. The comment responses were somewhat interesting. A cross between cultists following their leader and pragmatic innocence.  Anyway I was disappointed in the initial tweet It speaks volumes to the character of the person involved. I'll take a bucket of salt with all their views from here on out. I love the game on PC and can appreciate it's differences on console(that's why I play it there). Same game different experiences and all still fun. Play it in whatever way you can and want or like me both, your fun is your fun.

In helping out my wife on various characters I've taken my latest Jem'Hadar(the one with 'that' ship) to both help her and understand how to fly the dam thing. I've come to the understanding that it's best to just sit in space as a turret and not move(not that much anyway).

All told I'm just more comfortable in the smaller ships. Then again 'nothing ventured nothing gained'.

On another side note my respect for some players and their character creation ways goes on. Kudos to this Apollo.

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