Thursday 12 September 2013

Eve Alt training.

A few months back as a side-line and seeing a free character slot I decided to get a small hi-sec corp off the ground.

While I had this new character as the ceo it was very much a figurehead position.  I had only put a few hours training into the ceo alt, enough to run a corp ( optimistically ) for 40 people.  Another alt I put into the corp had the skills to run lvl 4 missions, mining etc. and was an all round better character. It was that character that really ran the corp. But after a while that corp failed to take off, as can happen, alts and corp members moved on but the ceo alt stayed and kept the corp.  Next time lucky.

For some random reason I decided recently to start training her again. 

Skilling up alts is both fast and fun. 

A skilled character allows more opportunity to do things. The more things you get into, the more skills are needed. And the longer it takes to train those skills to higher levels.

The longer the training the less of these you get:

It’s a good feeling to log in, get the skill complete pop-up and see lots of "awarded" skills.

A low level alt with say 3 million skill points spread around the bulk of skills can be good. Usually they handle well in many roles, to haul in the great new T1 haulers, fly the probe scanning frigs, and in general fly frigs and destroyers well.

So I thought simple things first, scanning and hauling. I decided that doing some level 1 missions was a goal, but the thought of doing the sisters of eve epic arc sounded better. The list of skills developed from there.

The usual way a player starts off is with the initial entry missions, then tutorials, the advanced tutorial missions, and then the sisters of Eve epic arc. It's a pve level 1 mission chain that spans some 50+ missions of varying styles. The last mission being against a more elite destroyer.   
For this I wanted to use a navy frigate and T2 modules and weapons. As my lil alt had the financial backing of better characters its easy to skill up, learn more and be better equipped.
As this alt was an Amarrian and I was going for an Amarrian theme, I had to fly a navy Slicer with tech2 weapons and mods. A character with this ship and fit would be a lot better trained and geared then any normal player when they would first hit that mission arc.

As you train, other skills open up and can be learned, so the last while has seen more skills added and usually increased to level 3.  The core skills that increase the likes of powergrid and cpu are skills I usually train to level 4.  I have tried to minimise the amount of longer skills that are 24+ hours.  I am conscious of this training time being taken away from my main.

I also fitted up and gave a number of ships. A Venture for mining, a Bestower  for hauling and a Coercer  fitted as a salvage ship. All rigged.

As all the training was done in fun and was a bit random with no real forethought I later decided that the character really should have some half decent implants to help with fitting ships and modules and for helping lessen the amount of time training takes.

My main gave some implants, +3’s that were spare and some others bits to help with fittings, slots 6 to 10 came from the LP store (for a pittance).

All in all about 50 million worth in implants but as the main had them spare ( slot 1 to 5 ) the only real cost was some minor isk and LP for the 6 to 10 slots. 

The learning queue shortened by an hour or so… not as much as I had hopped.

The current training q is like this:

Once done there are just the two specialist skills to go for, the pulse and beam (tech2 small laser) specialisations.Those will probably be trained to level 3 and then its done. With luck I will not put on many other skills. 

To test out the current fit for the navy frigate I undocked and tried a few hi-sec sites, nothing major, just to see how it would go. 
Tested gun ranges with different ammo, and it all worked well.
Really need to test some missions but the arc is what I want to do. I’ll have to finish off the training and give the arc a go sooner rather than later. Will write up how that goes.       :)

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