Tuesday 24 September 2013

Sisters of Eve Epic Arc ....tidy and alt wrap-up.

With the epic arc finished there were only a few bits to clear up and I could then park up the alt.

There was a lot less loot dropped from missions since I had done it last.
Of these bits I sold anything worth over 50K (not much). Anything else I wasn't keeping got refined and sold the materials.

I tend to hold onto the odd stuff that drops in missions, like the scientists, so the sum total of the arc loot was this:

Not a lot to show - isk made probably came in at just over 11 million.

I got the opportunity to do the story line mission.
Docked up and accepted the mission, purchased the ore in the same station at 156% above regional average, or something less than 40k isk.

Than sold the reward implant.

I just wanted it done and dusted there and then.

It boosted the alt's standings.


And is still in the good books with everyone.

I ended up using some of the isk to buy skills books and update the skill q.
I can easily see this being trained over some weekend to get the new small skills done.

Once that was done I got the alt back in station with the rest of the ships/gear. Parked up safe and sound.
Just need to see whats next on the agenda.... alts.... mains.... time will tell :)
Out of interest these are the ships and fits the alt has, not perfect but everyone is different, even this 1.5 mill SP alt:

Ye olde salvager

Scanning Ship

Level 1, 2/Epic arc Mission running Navy Slicer of goodness.

Hauler 1

Hauler 2

Mining Venture

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