Wednesday 18 September 2013

Sisters of Eve Epic Arc ....Update

Returned to do a few more missions in the Sisters of Eve Epic arc last night. All mainly against drones.

Which brought me to the first of the branching choices. Marked in the list in the pic below as a little wishbone icon ( list on the right-4th from the bottom ).

Other than a change in the story line for which mission you pick, I dont' think it really effects things.
Maybe it gives some minor reputation, but its nothing I'd worry about. More of an involve the player to make a choice simply for the fact of involving the player to make a choice. But I followed the story line from my alts Amarr perspective, not trusting a Gallente reporter and choosing the Caldari merc spy.

The way the agent displays the choices is very misleading. At first it will look like a normal mission. But instead of an "accept" button you get an "accept this choice" button. This will lead you to really read the mission text on the left and you must scroll down to see the various choices under mission headings. Select the one you want and "accept this choice".

When I accept a mission I usually minimise it to the sidebar. Once the mission is complete it will pop up showing the main objective completed. This can be handy as some missions only require you to kill certain npc's, or deliver an object to a container and avoid any shooting. It helps with getting out of a mission faster. But I do like to destroy everything I can.

One of the missions last night saw me being webbed for the first time in the mission arc. With the speed decrease and the swarm of npc's putting damage on me, it was a moment of pause, as in this could have been a bad thing. A few volley's from my guns took out the offending webber and got my speed back. Its interesting how much tanking can be done with speed alone. I went on and finished off the rest of the drones.
If I had been more aware and recognised the name of the npc (usually includes "web" in the name), I cold have kept a little out of its range killing it before it had a chance to web me.
End story being I took extra damage as my decreased speed allowed the npc's to land better hits on me. This caused me to run my armour repair on constantly, draining my capacitor power. Although I am limited with cpu on my current fit, I need to see if I can fit a cap recharger to the free mid slot.  Just as a safe guard should I get webbed or dual webbed in the future.

I've noticed as well that in some fights the npc's tend to be fast and keep close to me, with an AB instead of a MWD I think I'll need to bring some standard ammo to get in some better longer range damage and then swap to multi-freq for the usual close in fighting.

Using the mainly Tech2 fit in a Navy version of a frigate on an alt that has specific training is very elitist of me as an eve player. 

Had I only this one character and limited to what I could fly and fit, I would probably have chosen a T1 meta fit destroyer. A friend started an alt a while back and I got to try out one of the newer destroyers (Talwar) with him in missions and it did do extremely well with good range and was able to one shot the frigs.

A great guide to this arc is this one:

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