Friday 6 September 2013

My current World of Warcraft

I had played alliance for a good few years, but I left wow for a while during the latter part of Wotlk and most of Cataclysm ( two mains to 80 and another to 81 ). Even when I was on it was to mess about with alts. I lost contact with the guildies I knew, they moved on to better pvp hunting realms.

I only really got back to wow when a mate switched servers and changed faction, so I restarted fresh there… Only moving one character later on from the old realm.
My gaming in wow has seen me do a lot of solo play. Sometimes with my "better" half as she has been playing wow for a few years as well. The odd time with a rl friend but he is hunting the better 522 gear and part of one of the raid teams ( swish swoo ;-p  ).

Although the guild is good social fun with a side of raider (not so hardcore as to take it that seriously), it does take a while to get anything done. Sometimes the raiding needs to be a little more focused and serious than it is. This kind of builds some tension but its eased by the more fun things that are done.

I love alts, and in levelling up so many character’s its easy to loose track of which is a "main", people had started to think I’d never max level any character.  I guess I was enjoying the journey ;)
The past few months have produced some lvl 90’s, and just in time to take full advantage of the revolution and northern barrens weekly quest. This combined with looking for raid gear ( and extra rolls ) has gotten their item level’s to around the 500 mark, the new patch due should allow for the purchase of higher level gear with justice and valour.

I might see about upgrading the items once the better gear is equipped
In gearing up I do find Mr.Robot a great tool, it fills the gap that had previously been the role of the hardcore players that "knew their stuff" ( get X item….use X enchant, with X gem etc). Especially to find whats was best stats with reforging.  It gives you a simple list of what to change. I usually do this once 3 or 4 items have been replaced. is the source for info on spell rotations, mods to use and best spec’s.

When asked what my main is I really have two + a side of Tank.

First main is a Hunter, Beastmaster spec.

Next main is a Warlock, Destruction spec. 

My “other, other” main is a Paladin, Protection spec. (Probably the most transmoged of the 3)

I love the transmog features, they make the look a thing to go for without endlessly grinding for a specific piece to complete the set.

So am saving all the points I can to buy higher level gear, mainly trinkets and rings as they are some of the lowest items they have.

Not sure if I will do the weekly quest as it would require a lot of commander kills in the barrens, thought last week was the last hand-in I would do, but an extra 200 Valour would be nice .... might grind for the wood/oil/stone/meat while waiting for LFR..... Bring on the patch.


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