Wednesday 4 September 2013

Quick return to STO

The weekend before last I got to update and log into some other mmo’s I used to play. “Just to see they are still working”. Long on the retry list has been STO (Star Trek Online).
I found it a hassle to log into since the original company was bought out and the login accounts changed. 
I'd stopped playing it a lil while before the merger but had wanted to retry since it went free to play.  
The merger of the accounts always seemed to be contradicting itself, logon password not working, reset email sent, reset password, account not found on login. 
Same problem when they merged and gave free time to people to get back into it.
They have bad support by email, scripted non personal trash. It was just frustrating as hell and I left it … 
Maybe 3rd time lucky over that weekend but it worked, merged after a time and logged in and was happy to see my chars still there… I had read stories on the forums that old account’s being merged had to be reset loosing character’s and items. But all looked good.
The graphics seem a little more ragged than I remember even with things on the best settings. 

The new login screen looks a lot better than the old rotating char… it’s a pose of your char/ship/crew which is way more emotive.

My STO Alt
My STO Main

Once in I beamed my “main” back to his ship, having a quick look about I was glad at the number of ships I saw… STO looks far from dead.
I was only logged in for a few mins before I really realised I had no idea how to play the game... I relogged and created a new Romulan character. Romulans being the newest patch/expansion for STO. 
Probably the best way to get back into it is to spend the time doing the new char. 

I watched the intro, did up a new Romulan character but decided to stop before getting dug into it.  I was thinking I needed about 2 hours to get to know it again but just didn't have that time to put into it.

Till next time STO.

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