Thursday 5 September 2013

Wow's blast from the past... playstyles?

Like any game, there are serious players, I don't take the games I play all that seriously, tho I do have my moments.
At heart I am a casual carebear and not a full time "elitist jerk" ( not to be confused with that's a good site).
You know that type. The ones who complain about the gear your wearing, the enchant you don't have, the tank that just pulled half a dungeon and complains about the healer slacking, the recount junky bemoaning the extra 0.000001% dps you should have done.

Anyway about a week ago Wow had some server errors and my main realm was offline, seeing my old realm was still up I went back to it.
A long time since I'd even logged in as any of the old characters. But it was good to see them again.
Ah alliance, I remembered the old days... nostalgia flooded back but on hopping about the chars Ironforge and Stormwind were deserted... the guilds were dead, maybe 10 people in the cities...  It was so dead that by unguilded lowest level char didn't even get a spam of a guild invite! On my normal realm you'd have a level 25 guild invite every 10 seconds! This poor realm had gone down hill.

In messing about and readjusting some of the chars items I decided to take a level 81 druid on a spin in a dungeon ( I was levelling a new druid on the main realm ).
But this dungeon run was marred by the amount of text that was typed ... "elitist jerk" back slapping.
Then I remembered... this was what it was always like when I left .... no wonder I went away from the game! People complaining about everyone else.
The run devolved quickly, the healer was complaining about general dps and a specific dps player, that dps was ninja pulling and complaining about not being healed, he and the tank were at odds over the ninja pulling and the dps was in his face about aggro management.
It went on and on but the overall dps was high so we were making progress.
I have yet to learn how to play and type large amounts of text at the same time.
Near the end I battle ress'ed that ninja pulling dude simply because we were near the end and I wanted it over as soon as possible.  I didnt' want to wait about for the healer to argue and res him 20 minutes later or the run to fall apart so close to the end. 
I was head banging the keyboard at this stage and that's not fun.
Finally finished the run but it made me appreciate the change I had made. Only rarely do I come across even one "odd egg" in all my alt runs but never as bad as this last run.
Maybe it's luck or being unlucky to come across people who have conflicting play styles. 
Iit does take some restraint to not get involved when the text starts flying, and a lot of passive progression to make things work when you say nothing.

For me the Horde seems to be much more happy go lucky, maybe its the realm I'm on, or the guild, really glad I made the change to the "dark" side, it's the alliance who are evil! ;-p

Lets hope the amalgamation of the realms runs smoothly with the next patch and that it breaths new life into the game by allowing more people to mix for the better.

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