Tuesday 10 September 2013

My current Eve universe.

I have two accounts, probably the average number for most long term eve players. It makes sense once you are in the game.
Over those two accounts I have 5 character’s.  

The first account was a signup from trial. 
The second account was started a few months after the first and created to help the main account. Essentially as a loot / salvager and hauler with some minor logistics. Which grew over time to be more or less equal to the main without the fluff, extra skills that pad out the main.
I then got to a point where they were on the road I wanted them on, PVE / goodie two shoes hi-sec care-bearing life of goodness.

So while that was happening I created an alt on my 1st account, this was a character I could train into the pvp side of things. Again over time and with bursts of training this char has developed into a more able well rounded character doing lvl 4 missions well, mine in barges, and is on the edge of flying a T3. He has moved far from being a minor pvp alt. I have a list of skill I’d like to train him into but that list seems to extend ( its at about 6 months long at this stage).  Due to this I am considering getting another account, jump him to that account and train him then transfer him back. This allows me to play him at the same time as train him. I havn’t done it yet as I keep reconsidering it as well as justifying the cash cost.
Plex train him you say, well that does not work out for me, I would have to pay for plex. I don’t’ buy plex in game as I don’t make that much isk. 
While I had the main accounts alt running and doing well I decided he needed his own support alt so the second account got an alt.

There is a trend right there…  I still like alts.

That character got trained, but has turned into a more pvp role, based on frigs/destroyers and is sitting in a faction warfare corp at the moment. I’ve not had the time to really play into that end of things.
Not so long after that last character I added a third on the second account. I wanted her to be a ceo and started up a corp. A lil project as it were, hi-sec corp for mission running and mining, but even after trying hard recruiting failed and I called it quits after about two months. Only a handful had joined and all but one was a team player. Recruiting even for large corp’s with lots to offer is hard but this small starter corp just didnt' happen, I might try it again in the future.

Over all mains and alts do missioning, mining, Planetary interaction and POS interaction.  I would like to get a main into incursions and although a heavy investment is already in that way I don't have the time for it. You spend a lot of time waiting to get into fleet. And once in you need to spend a lot of time to make the isk.

I would like to get an alt into a WH corp as well.

Another alt is in a FW corp, again time is not on my side to really get into things, with luck I will focus and start getting things done well, but we'll see.

So even a minor run through of the character's I have is complicated.  Or am I over complicating it.

Welcome to Eve Online! ;)

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