Thursday 12 September 2013

Patch 5.4

Had a quick look last night but with a waiting queue of 1500+ players it took about 50 minutes to get to the logon screen!

Once there I did a quick check of my characters I hopped on my hunter.  The Shado-Pan Assault prices were lowered on the quartermaster so I got a new trinket for him there.

So once I got back to the valley of eternal lag I for the new quest and went off to the timeless isle.
It is a very small island.

I was only there for about 15 minutes, it was extremely laggy, not surprising since the entire realm had also shown up.  The way epic items drop from the random box 's is very nice, and the epics they have can be sent to alts, these bind to account items are a major plus.

I think I'll need to leave the island for a few days until things calm down, then I can get a proper look and farm some epics.

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