Tuesday 24 September 2013

Sisters of Eve Epic Arc ....Finalé

Last weekend saw me finish off the last part of the Sisters of Eve Epic arc.

This long post was written up twice but blogger seemed to not like it and kept deleting it! Very frustrating.
I'm sure I've missed some details. Third time lucky!

While I may have thought things were getting too easy, the missions that followed on were a lot harder. And even the "easy" one was fiddly.

I started back into things with this mission. The easy one.

It seemed like it would be ok, kill npc's grab loot and hand-in.

But no, to get the loot you needed to use an analyser on it.
As I said before I hadn't been able to upgrade the ship as I had wanted. A low skill character means compromises. So to fit and online the mission module, I needed to offline something else. The only thing I could really do was to offline the afterburner.

But on second guessing myself and wanting to keep my speed tank together I turned off the module I needed for the lot.

So with all the NPC's dead I offlined the AB and tried to online the module...

Ouch that was a no go... so had to see about getting the other modules offline!

yes, it then went online and I spent the next 10 cycles of the module getting this fail message.

Until finally it worked...

...and I got the mission loot.

Thank crunchy that was over!

After the recovery of the artifact I got a quick npc kill mission.

 Moving from one agent to the next can be a minor reward for little effort.

But at 23 jumps it takes the biscuit!

It did pass me through an area that had an incursion in progress. That was a change of scenery for a few jumps. Not a cause for concern, even if on autopilot.

About 8 jumps into the journey I got a mail for a story line mission. You get these every 15 to 20 missions... at level 4 I recall getting them every 10. On hand-in they give a gain to the faction they are for. I convo'd the agent and got this mission.

I'll deal with that after the arc is done.

The Next mission was a tough one.

The "boss" of the npc's had both a high repair rate and an energy drain. And was quiet a smack in the face.

I needed to be around the 5KM mark to effectively fire on him. That had a good point of being under his effective range so he would fire and miss me often, but a bad point in that it was within his energy neutralising range. All in all I had a very limited time to keep my modules online, repair damage and also fire on him.
This caused me to warp out of the mission several times.

Despite me trying to brute force attack and maintain range outside the neut to try to kill the boss, it wasnt' happening.

So I took out the "boss's" wing men, and the reinforcement wave.
Docked the ship and logged on another account.

This is the worst case scenario.
There is no way I could have done it alone. This was the very worse enemy I could have faced. he targeted my primary weakness as an Amarrian. My capacitor powers everything. Weapons, afterburner, repper, damage control. With no power I may as well be sitting in a pod or shuttle.

Logging the second alt defeats the purpose of this lil project. Maybe its a combination of bad luck and circumstance.
But it is what it is. Had the Alt been in an active corp I could have asked for help there.

I logged another alt that was Caldari, flying a Hookbill with t2 light missiles. 
Fleeting them up I took both into the mission.
What a joy the Hookbill was to fly on the other alt. This new alt helped to kill while staying at a 40 KM range. With the feeling of almost being detached from the mission.
With the target dead I dropped the Hookbill alt from fleet and set autopilot to get him home.
While the alt whose arc this is went to the hand-in.

The 4 way split was the next mission. Choose the faction you need rep with I suppose is the best way to describe it.

Choosing the alts home faction was my choice.
This lead me to see the agent for that choice. Not in a station but in her ship.

She gave the last combat mission of the Arc.

And it was only then that I remembered the problem I had always had with the last "boss".
If this alt had problems getting thought the tank of the last fight, this one would also need a helping hand to take down. I alt tabbed to the other alt, re-fleeted and headed to the mission.

The arc alt had no problem with killing the other npc's in mission. and was able to kite the "boss" with a close in speed tanking orbit.

This "boss" only had a target painter as a bonus effect, and it did little to increase his dps.

The second alt by this time had joined the fray and started to apply dps.

It still took a while to kill the "boss" but he finally exploded. the alts parted ways again.
Mission completed and with a warp back to the agents ship I completed the mission hand-in.

Last part is to get the "prisoner" and dump him in a cargo ship.

Once the cargo is swapped, its all done and dusted.

Now just to clean up some loot, complete the story line mission and dock up the alt.....

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