Saturday 3 September 2016

And the others....

Despite the amount of waffle I've been doing about No Man's Sky and Eve Online. I am still keeping up to date on other games/news. More or less.

I'm away from home, so between a lack of time and not having a good internet connection means a lack of quality gaming.

My loss of "feel" for WoW continues and I've not logged back in. Despite loving the warlock entry quest, the other two were lack lustre (imho). And I've not felt the need to see others despite the "what if they are great" nag. Maybe in the next few day's/week....

I've also not had a chance to fully update my Star Citizen client to the latest version 2.5. The slide test will have to wait.

Star Trek online has had it's usual daily rep/character checkups and some item exchange being done.

But the real game time sink has been my main character play through in Fallout 4 with the latest and as they say for now, last DLC. Nuka world. It may be about the same size as farharbour in content but the new location feels smaller but compact in a good way. I'm enjoying it slowly.

The return of Eve Online gaming to my radar was a surprise with their Clone states feature update information. I had planned to use a trial or two and a 60 day code in the winter. But this new feature changes that.

I have not touched No Man's sky again. The hurt is still to near.

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