Thursday 29 September 2016

Something different....

Last week saw a draw in a football match. No not Soccer, not American Football (football, rolls eye's), I'm talking about Gaelic football.

Now I'm no sports fan. Never played and never watched most sports. But that match was the All Ireland final. The Superbowl of it's game. As big as it gets, so it was hard to avoid, and that got me thinking.
Gaelic sports have been shipped overseas from Ireland due to the large amount of Irish.... well.... everywhere. Yet I'm surprised at how little other countries know about both Gaelic Football and Hurling. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable and yet I'm surprised at how many other countries also have large domestic sports I've never heard of.
So in my own little way I'm gonna share this post about the two sports that are the backbone of every nook and cranny of this country.

If I was to pick between Football and Hurling I'd pick hurling every time. Both are games of skill, luck and brute force. Hurling is more so.
Instead of me creating a wall of text I'll link some insightful and informative video's.

As I said before Hurling is better than Football so Hurling first.....

For the video below I will say that the ball is pronounced more as 'slitter' rather than as pronounced by Ninh Ly. He does stick in a pop up text box saying it on the video but it only lasts a second.
Great Videos but the accent with the mispronounced name is comical, at least to me.

I also have to put in a reactions video here.... Great stuff :)

It seems that a new series for Irish tv about the games and the communities that support them is out, worth watching for anyone interested:

But for anyone looking for a more immediate show, I did see this next one on youtube:


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