Friday 2 September 2016

Eve Online.... Promoting the good....

I'm all for the action packed, close encounter, heart stopping, adrenalin pumping, action music filled trailers for Eve Online. They are cool. But I do think the more thoughtful and "deeper" promotion material will get a more long term players who will not just PVP. New players that will take their time and build within the world is a better thing (imho).

Any gamer who wants to research their game can't get anything better than then Eve online community. There is so much information on the web, old, new and some still semi relevant. Even CCP has been making strides to better the learning experience.

Nothing better than seeing Eve from inside an organisation:

And for the ultimate deep video:

I wonder how the Alpha and Omega worlds will collide, the image below can be said for Alpha's vs Omega's....

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