Wednesday 14 September 2016

No Man's Sky....

With the farce of hype and launch day/week shenanigans I was still happy with the game. As the week or so went on I was somewhat deflated by how Hello games was not really reacting, let alone answering the community. The real kick in the teeth for me was the "spoiler worth spoiling". That really gutted me and took the only thing I had to hang onto the game. A reason to keep playing, it's main point.

So after taking some time away from the game, letting my boiling point subsid. I took another look at the game. Not that it has changed. It hasn't beyond the initial patches.

I had enough materials to build a huge amount of warp fuel. So I made those. I had not discovered the local planets and decided to at least claim them under my name. So with the planets/moons and a quick flag plant on each planet (with some quick scanning of plants and animals) I called that system "done".
Happy? Family?
I then warped onward toward the centre, that took about 5 system/jumps (only claiming the systems, no planets etc) when I bumped back into Polo and co. They gave me a Wormhole location which I went to and continued onward to the centre.

About another 15 or so system jumps. The last of which had only one planet that was quiet barren of all life (plant and animal). Even minerals were scarce. Still I got to sell and trade and buy what I needed to make more warp fuel. I am now parked in that station until I play next.

One of my non discovery passthrough jumps saw me land in the middle of a fight which was different. Different to see. But not my war. I just landed in the nearby station, undocked and warped on.

I guess the last goal I had in the game, get to the centre. The one thing that was really kicked out from under me. Is the only thing in the game that will make it feel "completed". I may as well get more of my money's worth out of it.
Big'un at last....
While I spent more time in the game than I would like to admit to, it wasn't a bad experience, it wasnt' exceptional, it is what it is. Once I reach the centre I don't know if there really is any other point in doing "more". At least I can say I finished it "once".

I hope that there is sooo much more content coming for this game.

And now for some obligatory screenies....


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