Friday 2 September 2016

Eve Online.... More Alpha's

I've been reading a lot of the forum and posts about the new Eve Clone system that is coming. Thankfully there does seem to be a more positive thougtful outlook to this feature by the community, better than the more usual massive hammer strike or theatnought anger.

I'm all for having this limited, free to play version of the game. Still a lot of details to be worked out and I look forward to seeing what happens.

Worth Reading:
I'm happy to be able to go back to see my very first trial accounts before I really got into Eve Online. I am also interested to see the three ninja loot trials that I created. Lots of interesting options ahead.
There will be a lot more alts for sure. I've seen a lot of people come and go because the trial is done, with luck they will stick around now thanks to this feature. Especially if as CCP say they get sooo many trials already. I do hope that they have a plan to help these new Alpha clones when they come.
The idea of free to play or freemium isn't new. I did write a few lines in the distant past about how Eve should have this feature. I wish I could find my post..... I'm sure I make some good comments. I've waffled so much it's hard to see the forest for the tree's. 

I'm looking forward to seeing my old alts for both nostalgia and other "activities".

At least this new feature for Eve will get me back to a game I love without paying for it. For me I am still bitter at a lot of things CCP has done. Time will tell if I return as an Omega. But at least once this feature is implemented I know I'll be back as an Alpha at least to just "look" if nothing else.

Some of the posts on the feedback do make me laugh. One post in the forum about the new clones said in a semi joking way that all older players should get a gift of 5 million skill points, the upper limit of the alpha's. Not a bad idea, it kind of makes sense.... but CCP would never do that.

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