Thursday 29 September 2016

No Man's Sky.... No closer....

I've been taking more time here and there to continue the "at least I did it once" self goal to get to the center of No Man's Sky.
I've been getting harsh comments from Steam friends when they see me launch the game. I find that I'm having to defend my time in the game a lot more, self goal or no. In saying that I don't know how much longer I can try to get that goal done. What annoyed me the most is the slow progress. The last wormhole took me 973178 light years yet the map showed my distance from the center had barley changed. I'll try one more wormhole and if it doesn't get me closer then I'll stuff the game.

Funny that the advertising agency may get to force a change in No Man's Sky's steam page promo content....

Some more of my screenies:
This creature does not look "unconcerned"


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