Saturday 3 September 2016

No Man's Sky.... It Speaks....

There was an update for both the games software and it's development future today.

The patch has a lot of fixes, full details here:
Two main issues that I'm sure affected me were the blueprint issue, and the "catapult" into space on ground takeoff. Glad they are fixed. Not that I'll see the fixed result in game as I  still don't intend to play it.

The development update, details here:
I think the key quote here is: "What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say. We’re developers, and our focus is first on resolving any issues people have with the game as it is, then on future free updates which will improve, expand and build on the No Man’s Sky universe.

This is a labour of love for us, and it’s just the beginning."

That phrase brushes a lot of comments under the denial rug. Yet offers hope to the die hard fans.
Am I write in thinking that there is meaning in the fact that they stated "future free updates"? I think so. But then again I've also heard the phrase "it’s just the beginning" from a developer that then shafts the product they promise and leave the gamer/player swinging in the wind. Yea I'm looking at you CCP Games! #Mysterycodeneglect

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