Friday 30 September 2016

Eve Online.... My New pre Alpha's....

The Alpha Clones are fast approaching. So I've decided to take a bit of a closer look at what I'll be doing with alt's.

The announcement of Alpha Clones has caused a hiccup in my original 60 day trial plan, making me bring their use forward. Also Mike Azariah's alpha prep post talked about training pre-Alpha trial clones now to take advantage of the faster training time, that makes sense. For some reason I thought I had more time.

I have two of those 60 day codes, if I use them now I may be able to train it fast enough to get a good portion of the skills trained before the changes are in. I plan on making a Minmatar and see about faction warfare the other will be a Caldari and be a more mission running character.

Of the two accounts that I did pay for there are a total of 6 Characters, 3 per account. I really don't intend to do much of anything with them. I'll keep an eye on them with the occasional login. I don't plan on transferring any ships, fits or isk from them. I am sure there will be further Alpha Clone restrictions that will be announced closer to the date of release with regard to transferring isk/assets.
It may sound silly to not use these maxed out Alpha clones but I guess that's just me. I have a separation in my head between the old, the new and what will be reusable.

Of the old trial accounts I did use, 2 were my initial "tries" at getting into the universe of Eve Online. I am sure that those characters skills are "all over the place", as these were my first taste of Eve. No real surprise. I also think that they have zero assets worth mentioning (no really, nothing, not even a ship). So I doubt that they will be of any use other than nostalgia and putting them into my main characters corp for the sake of it.

3 More trials were used as throwaway, ninja's. All three were well into T2 weapons and mods. I'm sure they hit the limit in training for what will be an Alpha alt. I know for sure that ships, mods and isk were moved from one character to another, leaving them with no assets or isk. This may not be a bad thing considering the NEW Player Experience that is to come with the changes.

I don't know what is planned for the New Player Experience but at least for now I can get 2 60 day accounts going with the old "experience". That will net some ships from the career agents and a good bit of starter isk.
The more I think about it the more I think I need to get them going a.s.a.p.

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