Sunday 18 September 2016

Eve Online....

Despite what I think of CCP's marketing and "other" qualities, I'm looking forward to seeing some older characters again. Characters that I'd never see if it wasnt' for the release of the new feature in November.
I've been wondering what condition I'll find my old alts in. I did take the time to reset their account password's. This let me see their characters names, or rather to see what they were renamed to. They had been affected by the name purge. I wonder if CCP will now allow for character renaming? One free rename for all those characters who are now called "Caldari Citizen 999999999999999999999999999999991". Yea who am I kidding, CCP doesnt' do free.

It's nice to see there are viable fits for alpha clones. has a few video's discussing various factions, their ships and fit's.

Their YouTube playlist:

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