Sunday 11 September 2016

Eve Online.... Celebration rewards for a price....

The latest reward for subscribing from now till the next expansion in November is a few free ships that had been given out previously as "special" rewards. The rewards also include an avatar suit and potentially the new "mini Orca".
The full details of the rewards here:

I see these "rewards" as a painful attempt to cash in before the new free characters are implemented.
Dont' get me started on the mystery code. This reward is the exact same thing that code holders should have been getting. It's annoying and frustrating to think about it from that angle alone never mind the CCP cash grab. CCP have proved in the past that "special" rewards are not a once off thing. So if I were to get those reward items later in the game it would cost some isk but not three month's worth of paid subscription. What a cash grab. It really prey's on the players that are out and are collectors. I'm sure CCP will get a lot of people to resub due to this. That is an abuse of CCP toward their playerbase. Oh look Mystery code holders, not the first players to be shafted by the games company....

This latest "reward" seems to be targeted towards those that are unsubbed from the game.

In contrast Star Trek Online for the 50th anniversary gave away a Classic Star Trek ship/avatar customisation pack from their store. CCP could learn a lesson from that. Even I might actually resub for a month to get a free ship SKIN pack that was on a free offer for subbed accounts. But when has CCP ever given away anything for free.

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