Friday 2 March 2018


Sniping in a game like Battlefield can be a compelling game-play mechanic especially given the cat and mouse nature of 'proper' sniping. That being where a sniper shoots and moves, shoots and moves etc etc. When you don't shoot and move the vindictive nature of multiplayer will be what kills the sniper. As a sniper I've done it to people and been thrilled when I kept on killing them. Not so thrilled when being killed by them. Vindictiveness is no more evident in any battlefield game than when the person you killed then returns the favour by taking a vehicle (usually a plane) and doing a kamikaze into you as they parachute out and tea bag your corpse. I say vindictive because players take the game-play seriously and to heart. Snipers are especially reviled as they kill from a distance in a very personal manner. Not to get all real worldly; They saw you move, they lined up a shot and they fired. I've both given and taken in that regard. For my own journey I've found that I've become more vindictive in BF1.
In a recent game I found myself helping to defend a location. The teammate and machine gunner that was doing the same fired and brought down a plane. I think it was the pilot that then started to snipe our position. Vindictiveness for vindictiveness ensued.

As a medic with the BF1 version of  a dedicated marksman rifle (think in BF4 terms); I've been especially targeted once my 'marksmanship' has been "noticed".
All in all this can lead to some great game-play or horrendous overkill from groups of teammates with obvious voice comms. Like being a sniper it's all about give and take. As a sniper I try to follow my own good advice, shoot and move. I do that less as a dmr medic, but I do like the multi-roll nature of that game-play. The diversification about being a medic is that the enemy lets you live to revive the person that they keep killing which lets me see their location and take them out then you revive the person they killed. Multiplayer is a confusing mess at times...

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