Wednesday 21 March 2018


Today saw the completion of the final daily for The Breach event. 

An easy run this time round. I do recall if being a lot harder to clear in the past. So much so that I think I abandoned trying to do it the first year. It shows the level of ships/gear/characters has massively increased. The baseline for events to be challenging is a balancing act to be sure but it may need to be increased in recycled content to keep it on par with the overall level of players.... That or be adaptive to the specific group that's running together. That's more than a balancing act, I don't envy the devs on that score.

Completing the reputation I've claimed the console on all my characters, maybe even more than once given some ship fits. In practice it's not as good as I thought it might have been. But time will tell.

In retrospect I should have done the rep on another character as my main has more dilithium than he can refine. At the moment it would take about 6 weeks of daily refinement to clear the backlog never mind the extra he earns as time goes on. But that really is a "first world problem".

There is big news about Star Trek Online, this summer I expected the usual next season, but it looks to be set for a major expansion. Victory Is Life - The Fourth Expansion is coming in June!

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