Thursday 29 March 2018


I think STO has increased the frequency and quality of featured episodes of late(year or so). I don't just mean episodes as a lead up to the next expansion but longer term and for the game overall. It's been gaining a lot of great content that way, repeatable without feeling grindy(in my view). Content that is then placed in among the other episodic content to add to the richness of the experience.
I've been impressed with the game for a long time and have done so because I've experienced it as a free to play account. If I'm enjoying it so much shouldn't I want to both support it and gain the advantages of lifetime rewards. I dont' know why I'm so perplexed on IF I should buy the lifetime.

With the sale price active for another week I'll continually to ponder, buy it or let time run out.

On a side note I've gone through some of my screenshots, some are 'maybe' desktop wallpaper worthy(ish).

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