Tuesday 20 March 2018

XCOM 2....

From what I've been reading people either love or hate XCOM 2. Of those that love it they're split between XCOM 2 and the expansion - War of the Chosen. So I have no doubt that no matter what opinion is voiced there will always be a hardcore opinion in position. Everyone is different.

After a year and a half, probably more I've finally gotten around to pushing through XCOM 2. The past week has seen me get about three quarters of the way into the campaign. Not as a completionist.
The more I try to do everything in this game the more it feels like I need to compromise on previous compromise decisions. That may be the heart of the gameplay, do more with less and less but that's not enjoyable long term for me. Not in this games framework. There's so much needless hard repetition in the game. The global campaign map is a lesser version of the previous iterations imho. This underdog version of XCOM, lowest of the low getting beaten further to the ground is done in an over the top way that is not compelling. Even upgrading your ship as things progress doesn't feel like your actually making progress; Your always moving on to a new crisis. A lot of second guessing is done.

I loved the previous XCOM games Enemy Unknown and Enemy Within. Even after completing them years ago I've returned and had a lot of fun since then. 
XCOM 2 on the other hand isn't drawing me into the game-play or the story. Not at all.
I'm very apathetic to the story line. Not even the extremely detailed characters you can create or the weapon customisation is doing anything for me. It's all just "meh" to me.
Turning my back on extreme micromanagement.... Whats happening to me!

The game looks great, I can't fault the visuals.

I don't mind most of the games in-game systems, which have a familiar feel. I've held off on getting War of the Chosen thinking the main game might grow on me. Nope; War of the Chosen got removed from the wish list and I'm thinking I may not be bothered in finishing off the main campaign..... I've heard that the expansion is better than the main game(*) but the "meh" factor for me at this stage to strong. I've also heard stories of the main games ending and seeing the ending(s) confirms the lameness. These endings do seem to be...... Bland. There not worth the pain of doing the campaign.

The RNG of this game is also a joke, Ive been experiencing it all too much.

Like my character above, he's beside an enemy on the opposite side of the wall and only a 35% chance to hit!!? It's almost Mexican wall joke funny but there are holes in this wall and he CAN see him!!! Of course my guy missed the shot!!

He can hit a 20% shot of an enemy on a building a lot further away..... So many frustrations.Which happen all the time. Not just the once in a blue moon.

The joy's of RNG aside. Lets face it, if I've already watched the endings, read about the spoilers/story-lines and I'm still unimpressed, I should walk away from the game. 
Maybe in the little I played when I got the game first I knew it wasn't the game for me. If the game had clicked with me I'd have played it to bits there and then. Right?
Having gotten the pre-order all singing and dancing version I 'had' to keep it on a todo list and get 'worth' out of it. Kicking the can well down the road. Unlike the same feeling with regard to No Man's Sky which is getting updates, XCOM 2 is done-done and not getting anything else new. I think my interest in it now is final for sure. Time to crank up the volume on In the End by Linkin Park.

Not everything has been negative. A few times a friend and I have PvP'd and had good fun. 
There's a twist. A PvE game I was hyped for turns out to have PvE I don't like and PvP I do!

At this stage I feel more inclined to revert to an old Enemy Within save again and have some fun!

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