Sunday 4 March 2018

Surviving Mars....

With Surviving Mars due out in less than two weeks I've been weighing up the pre-purchase options.

Of the three listed there are only two real options. The base game or the all the extras version.
The difference between the two top end versions is €20 for the season pass. That season pass contains two expansion and two content packs. So for me (a lover of this type of game) after doing some homework in the form of youtube I'm all in.

That homework has confirmed that I'd be massively into the game and would no doubt buy all content. So no surprise I'll be going all in on the full, bells and whistles version.

Because Paradox Interactive are making the game they have decided to allow a -10% discount to all owners of their other game Cities Skylines. I'm a massive fan of that game as well as my blog posts will attest to. The discount is a nice touch on the loyalty front.

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