Sunday 25 March 2018

Eve Online....

Since I first noticed the news about Providence being taken over; It seems that the invaders are making quick progress in taking ownership.

I've no interest in the space other than nostalgia. The last character I had in the area did sell off the remnants of his market items a while ago. More recently a long standing sell order I had was fulfilled. A bulk buy of liquid ozone, a jump fuel. So in a way I've inadvertently helped the advance of the invaders. Not that I'm sorry about it, I've sold that item in that station for a long time. Usually it's all very piecemeal. Small ship owners would buy 400 units here and there before going into the area  (to activate a cyno). Literally fueling the fire of PvP. This one sale was for all 88 thousand units. If they hadn't have bought it from me they would have gotten it somewhere else. Such is Eve. Irony abounds.

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