Tuesday 20 March 2018

Eve Online....

While I enjoy poking a stick at the pinata that is CCP, like the jab in my last post; Or ranting on about the Mystery Code(The planets doesn't have enough salt for my saltiness). I guess the reality is that they are that bad in regard to testing and QA... Seriously it's a joke to think that they did all the testing on the 'test' server and on the deployment day it all goes to crap...

So much for the test server being a duplicate of the live server.
I could understand this with a room full of cloned pc's when one or two crap out but top of the line servers with a dedicated company built on it! Then again Uptime in a production environment is different, time is money. As if you should expect proper testing and quality assurance.... I could harp on(yea I'm that bitter)!

It will be interesting to see if they publish details on what did go wrong, fixes they did and changes to their procedures. Compensation for the downtime!?(Can't keep straight face!!!!!)

What really brings this home more than anything for me is that my second "main" account has it's last day of Omega time today. All I wanted to do is log in, clear some PI and industry jobs up, park the characters in their stations and walk away.... I'd have done it by now. 

So it's easy to poke at the company for it's shenanigans. But if they are saying they don't know when they will have it all fixed it's a wrench in my plans. And this company is all about keeping customers logged in. So much for using that spare plex time to the end.

At least I have STO to log into.... Now to choose the PC or console version..... (poke CCP poke).

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