Thursday 26 August 2021

Total War: ROME - REMASTERED....

Yet another game I dip in and out of long-term and which I've and an extremely long history with. 
If I was a 'real' "influencer" I'd be waffling on about "How I was there on day one!"; Or a real try had and waffle about pre-release alpha, beta and private demo's. But I'm an old dog from back in the day, a gamer who read a magazine or two, saw some internet 'stuff' and picked up the big box game in an actual shop the weekend after it's release. But the 2000's saw a move from big box to DVD case so it was a rare occasion to get both in once package. Yea in a shop/store..... Those were the day's(October 2004). Kind of like the ancient empire itself. All rose tinted romantic notions about how it was..... Avoiding slavery and the blood n'gore of the arena; Or like avoiding snot nose toddlers pawing game boxes and long queues to a cash register.... Back in the day.... eh....


It's a great game that has seen flaws, patches, patched flaws and flaws that were left in... I guess today they would be called 'features' in an artistic way. It's a game that allowed a player to play it how they wanted. Painstaking grind with all the hardest options to console code time savers(cheats?) like additional coin to grease the wheels of war..... This game allows for a wide variety of gaming moods.

It's remaster was a bit of a surprise when it was announced. Playing it shows how well it was done and the options they considered. Everything done right; No complaints.

Since it's been out I've played it and enjoyed it as much as the old version over the years... Both versions have 'got it'. So no wonder I've been pottering away with both versions. I guess I like the 'retro' nostalgia of the actual older software and it's systems if even now I still go back to it. Too many comfortable memories(and here) to just ditch it in favor of the remaster alone just because it's a 'newer' version. The remaster will earn it's memories via long-term gameplay. Time will tell.

Going through saves and redoing some campaigns/battles is one thing but the mountain of achi's on Steam is a no go for me. I'd be trying to do them for the achi's alone and leaving 'the fun' behind. I'd rather 'just' play the game and if an achi pops then great.

I did smile when I saw this in the remaster, a faithful version of the game? Everything old is new again.

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