Tuesday 3 August 2021


Subnautica is one of a handful of games I've finished that have a large in game scope which I keep going back to. Even when finishing it I took my time to end it. That's enjoyment. It kept me coming back again and again. Some games are 'just fun' and enjoyable in their doing. From what I've seen in the newer Subzero edition I'm not so keen.... Time will tell if/when I get that version.

Survival, base building and random chance are key for the original. Chance to potter about, build or add to a base. Chance to sort out gear and items. Chance to swim to the surface with a millisecond to spare. Chance to see another semi random version of the sea you knew in a previous save play-through. Chance to not be eaten by the wildlife. Chance to know what your doing and do it better. Chance to see other players capsules.

My original save is very much me as a game-style. I like to micromanage and hoard so before moving on I'll build up a base and overstock it. That save has it in spades. That goes for subs, suits, items to 'spares' and 'spares' of 'spares'.. It's me and it happens.

As the weekend just gone was a long bank holiday weekend I took the chance to dive back into my Subnautica saves. Spending far too much time faffing about.
Going back and seeing things lets you be indulgent. A minor two room pit-stop of a 'base' can now be decked out with more items and decoration. Or just 'things' to make it 'look' busier; Rather than the real way it was used. As a spartan, practical pit-stop, a quick dock to recharge and swap out batteries, minor crafting and then move on... Not exactly lived in but not abandoned either. Yet now much more than it was. Like a live version of rose tinted retrospective.

So a little base like this...

Gets a few enhancements....

The foundation wasn't needed and neither were the extra solar panels or external grow-bed but they add to the 'feel'. 'That' kind of thing.

That little 'base' perched on top of a rock formation is not there in an alternative save but a similar rock formation is.... The same but different. Alternative saves in Subnautica can have a bit of deja-vu educing disorientation. That's a good thing, no play-through offers the same seascape; Always a 'little different'(sometimes a lot, lot more). 

Base on a rock in one save....

Different save, different rock but the 'same' spot(almost)....

Save 1 deep base....

Save 2 no base same location, just 'different'....

My time capsule is as true now as ever; I do wonder if it made it into the game and was found... 
If I were to add any info for new players to the game ... Don't overlook using sonar in the deep!

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