Friday 27 August 2021

Games with Gold....

That time again; Games with Gold.

Last month I claimed the games but only played one. Lost Planet 3, which was interesting for about half an hour, then it got uninstalled. While I said I remembered the first game being promoted I found the second game listed under old Games with Gold .... Looking back it was from last Feb.... Guess it didn't make an impression on me. Lost Planet 3 was of mild interest to see in action, animations/game systems have not aged badly but they are nothing special today. After about half an hour of gameplay I was done... As for the other games last month I didn't even try them.... 


For September's(2021) the games look to be as interesting a mix as last month. Variety is good to see even if I'm not 'into' them. 

Warhammer Chaosbane. I admit, I get confused by the amount of lore/cannon that Warhammer has. I'm 'into it' enough that I like elements/themes/lore/styles but I'm not 'into it' enough to actually say I know things. Yet I'd say I'm more 'into' 40k. There are differences. But on that score I feel both more drawn to 40k but less qualified to discuss it. I'll stop waffling before I dig a deeper hole and just say that I'll claim and try Chaosbane out. If it clicks as a game it clicks and will see more time with me. Despite the theme/franchise of this game; I'm picky about this style/type of game. Some ARPG's work for me and others not so much... Recently that's been everything Vs the Torchlight games. Mood of the moment etc. The one thing that I really, really like about the footage I've seen of gamepaly... Lots of DPS numbers.

Mulaka - This one may have a lot more combat to it but I've been into this type of stylized, immersive, stroy/journey kind of game for a while now(akin to Abzu, Planet Alpha and The Witness). Again another game to claim and try. 

Zone of the Enders HD Collection; Which includes Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders The  2nd Runner. From footage I've seen the gameplay Mecha looks interesting but that aside it reminds me of an old OG Xbox title. Otogi. I guess that's down to similar thematic camera and movement styles based on hack and slash while gliding in the air like an oriental epic(more Crouching Tiger then Monkey). More to claim and try.

Samurai Shodown II. Best described(from my limited view) as a Streetfighter looking game with weapons. It's got it's own franchise and it's own fanbase due to it's slightly different take on fighting.  That's a vastly generalized take on the game... One I'll try but I've lost my need for fight games a while ago....

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