Thursday 19 August 2021

Darkest Dungeon....

Another game I've spent and continue to spend time in on a long term basis(years). Yet another game not so much till recently; Not so much gamplay in it overall this year but it's 'still there', a lurking in the background game on a slow boil that is dipped into every now and again(long-term of long-term).

In taking a look at the Xbox version of the game last month I was constantly reminded (like being nagged) of my PC versions 'state'. It was last December that I had both a resurgence and 'good go' of the game(on PC).

This week has seen me question if I really need to go ahead and 'finish' some of the things. What I feared in that December post was a time sink getting out of hand. However I can say that that fear of a feared time sink and the efforts that would be needed has been the reason making me put off the game. 
I've completed it as a game, gotten good amounts of replay-ability out of it. Beaten it, collected trinkets, trained heroes and 'done it all'.... Do I really need to do more 'just' to finalize some other saves....Repeating content I've already done..... There's no simple answer to that. Both Yes and No. Like I said back then, for this game, an incomplete save would be a splinter in the back of my mind(matrix style). It's a catch 22. Maybe time to act rather than procrastinate.

I think I'll have to pare down what is really needed. Not all the trinkets are needed for the NG+ save, not all the buildings need to be built for things to be 'completed'. What really needs to be done is to kill the 3 remaining bosses. I need focus. 

I still love the game, I still want to play the game but I've a huge backlog of games and each has a voice so it's a shuffle of fun vs effort and the rewards for each.

Choices, choices. 

So I need to do a bit of grinding by running some dungeon fodder through encounters to allow my 'main roster' time to heal. Three bosses from 2 DLC's to be 'done'. I'll consider CoM Buildings and trinket acquisition to be luxury items, not needed but nice to have, not to be chased after. Sounds so simple.

I intended to finish off the NG+ save to clear the way for a long term potter about Radiant save(to be the return to save to really faffed about with.....) I just need to make that happen. What am I like!

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