Wednesday 11 August 2021

Dawn of Man....

Dawn of Man. A game I've spent and continue to spend time in. Another game I turn to long-term for some short-term fun. I've a lot of posts about the game and to distill the game down to a phrase it would be "fun to be in". Watching a village run all by itself (more or less once you've gotten it up and running) is satisfying.

Yeap I'm waffling. I've been doing a lot of return visits to games I'm constantly into in the long-term.

Dawn of man is 'complete' both as game development and my gameplay goals playing the game; And while it was fun to go back after patches and see the updates and new content that hasn't been the case in a year. 

Not that it being 'complete' has stopped me from playing it. I like that it's reached it's max potential, but it has made for a less of a what have I missed, excited/interested to see 'new thing' return factor. Again not a bad thing but it did get me to play the game more. No wonder MMO's keep constantly changing. Not that is kind of annoying in it's own way; But that's another story.

It's been a journey and I'm glad to go back to old saves and see it all again. Progress, progress, progress, patches and progress. So yea; Old save, new save or just escorting a heard of Mammoths. Another game to 'just' enjoy in it's doing every now and again. 

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