Tuesday 10 August 2021

Mini Motorways....

Cascade to failure....

Some maps are more harsh than others. While the ever present random popup of houses or destinations can need a motorway or bridge to access them; Or in the case of fringe houses....... just be ignored.  There's a certain 'gut feel' to the gameplay. Maybe that's 'just' a semi subconscious understanding of a pattern to the game's 'randomness' on top of the weekly bigger popup. Preemptively selecting options 'just in case' because who knows whats gonna happen and where. 

It's all fun. The fun is the challenge etc etc... However I've been aiming at getting the 1500 journeys for each of the cities for the Steam achievements. A guys gotta have goals right.... So far only three have been a problem. Munich, Zürich and Manila. So they are my main points of interest.

But whats a challenge without the challenge. Bit of time, effort and luck will 'probably' see me through.

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