Wednesday 25 August 2021

Xbox One....

After years of faithful service it seems that this week my original Xbox One was 'affected' by the return of the Black Screen 'o' Death glitch this week....  

Which was a pain as a hard power reset and all the 'easy' fix it options weren't working to get it back up and running.

Thankfully 'most' of my saves and related files are "in the cloud".... Thank you Microsoft servers. So a software reset wasn't as hard a button press as it could have been.

Not that getting to that menu was easy... Not for me on this console this week(never needed it before). The usual hold the sync and eject buttons didn't work. I had to download the reset files to a usb, remove the network cable and then boot off it, which proved temperamental in itself. 
Once that menu was accessible I got the reset option, bit the bullet and pressed it. Removed the usb and reattached the network cable. What a PITA! But it went through the processes and reset/resetup the Xbox/login etc.

So a few day's of re-downloading games, saves etc.... While the likes of the game saves are wiped from thje console the games themselves are still technically there after such a reset. I noticed they weren't fully recognized so had to be redowenloaded anyway... Which was interesting as it screwed with the disk space % readings. Games there and recognized but once played not recognized and needed a redowenload anyway.... 

End of it is that things are 90% there. Some minor game updates and tweaks to settings still to do. I still need to see about the older 360 games and redownlaod their saves but that's not a priority. 100% is still a bit off yet.

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