Tuesday 17 August 2021

ETS 2....

Despite giving the Iberian DLC a lot of game-time it/the game in general have faded off since. Too many games and not enough time have squeezed it out from regular play. 

It seems like a long time since ETS 2 has had an event. The last event was last January(herehere and here); But in fairness it went on for a long time(a good thing). Unless I've really missed something else. Either way maybe I should be glad of that to both not have missed anything(or be ignorant) in ETS 2 and to give time to do other games. 

That said I'm still plugging away with it more recently(this week-ish). The recent Idaho potato event looked hilarious. I wish Ireland was on the ETS 2 map and had such an event. Wouldn't be stereotypical at all, done in fun(as they have done for ATS). 

I still have a trucking empire well on the go. A career in this game is akin to the old saying that to make money you need money. The company is so large it's raking in the cash so much so that I don't even need to reinvest it. I can't see myself restarting a fresh character; I'm still too busy with the micromanagement of facilities, trucks, drivers and trailers, the bigger the empire the more management.

Steam achievements are a driver(pun intended) for gameplay as well as 'just' general interest/fun of the game. My old achi list(above) is a bit outdated; Which can get messy. Such as the 'Iberian Pilgrimage' achi; I've done one trip but can't remember which city it was from. In doing one from Lisbon last night the achi turned to 2 out of 3 so that was lucky. So either a wasted trip or 3 out of 3 next time!(Wasted trip but not because it was form the wrong city; I crashed and reloading autosaves reset the contract).

Don't get me started on what's needed for the Road to the Black Sea achievements! No damage and no fines...... That's not me!

Slow progress is still progress but very dependent on mood and fun factors never mind time. The achi's are a driving force but not all consuming. I can live with them being incomplete. Not always true for me; Not always true for me in this game but again.... I'm ok with that. I'll try some and if they are too much like work then sod it.

Might just be time to break out the old steering wheel for some casual, non serious, seriousness.

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