Tuesday 4 October 2016

Battlefield 1....

I've been pondering Battlefield 1, to get or not to get. The last BF game I played was 4, and for a long time it hit the mark for me. I enjoyed it and really got into the multiplayer. But the more time that went past the less people played it(as other titles came out). Which meant the people that payed for the extra content left for better BF games or other "current" content. That left the newer or longer term players with the base game maps and modes with which to find players and get matches.
All of my previous BF games have been on the xbox. This time around I think I'd return to pc. Perhaps there would be a greater longevity among the pc community.
With a release date in the coming weeks (Oct 17 for pc), I was a little horrified by the price of the all inclusive, full bells and whistles edition, horrified by the price and of what it could mean later in the games lifespan (a lack of players to use that content) and because I was actually considering buying it (€130). PC may be the way to go again with my shooters. At least I have the next week or two to mull it over....

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