Tuesday 18 October 2016


Leonard Nimoy's autobiographical book "I am Spock", is a book I've had for a long long time and yet have not read. Last weekend I got a chance not to read but to listen to the man himself do an audio version of the book.
I've always liked his voiceovers and no surprise his audio book is very listenable (Unlike Bill Shatner who is woeful in his versions). I may yet get around to reading the book itself to flesh out the stories.
What I wanted to share here beyond the great audio book was an image from one of his anecdotes. It's something I'd not seen before and I think is worth sharing.... for a laugh. Not to promote alcohol but to prompt anyone who reads this post to go and read or listen to the story behind it.

In searching for further information on the audio version to link here I found the full thing on YouTube. Unsurprising really. I wont do a Spock logical pun... What isn't on YouTube...

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