Sunday 30 October 2016

Eve Online.... CCP did it again....

The Eve Vegas stream was a bit hard to watch at times due to the quality of the sound/lighting and general production value (guy at the back with a phone??). I only got to view a small portion toward the end. News wise there wasnt' anything really new. The amount of dev blogs in the last few weeks has given the info. The first day stream: Day One

I did roll my eye's when I read CCP's blog, when they said they would be reducing the cost of SKIN's.  I have read that some people think the reduction is for a sale but the paragraph in the blog does not mention a sale.
"While we are on the topic of SKINs: with Ascension we will get a massive drop of SKIN prices in the New Eden Store with drastically lower prices. Some representative examples of what to expect:
Astero Sanctuary for 400 AUR (~75% down from 1540)
Hulk ORE development for 250 AUR (~90% down from 2390)
Revelation EoM for 400 AUR (~90% down from 3445)
While that sounds good, and it is for anyone looking to buy SKINs once they are cheaper. It is however a big F.U. from CCP to anyone who ever bought a SKIN up to now. Another example of CCP screwing over their player base. I have never bought a SKIN off the store/NEX but if I did and I read that I would be peeved wtih CCP. There is so much they could have done to cushion that blow but as usual they dont' even see it as a fault.

The new release is being delayed by a week (Deployment of EVE Online: Ascension Postponed Until 2016/11/15) for some polish. I wonder if that is due to the early stream they allowed a twitch streamer to do which highlighted some faults.

I do like the new Aura voice/interaction, I wonder how much the new 2.0 version will replace the original, bit by bit or all in one go.... With luck all in one go.

The new trailer was also shows and is as usual good quality.

Johnny Pew did a review (EVE Online - Preview of the new New Player Experience) of the new character sheet from the SiSi test server. I found it a bit odd that even the UI colour has been closed off from an Alpha, that's a bit extreme. Makes me wonder what else they haven't mentioned that's been disabled for alpha clones.

A good writeup of the day:

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