Thursday 13 October 2016

Star Trek Online.... Engineering

Despite the turmoil of RL for me this week I'm still able to get a little gaming done. For STO that means a bit of DOF/Fleet assignments on my tactical and science characters, plus a few missions on my temporal engineering character. I'd levelled him to 10 to get out of the initial expansion missions and claim him as being a temporal officer before time on the event ran out. That and not much more.
Being a level 10 is low end gaming. STO players will know that when you get the mission to rescue the S.S. Azura you are at the first space mission you get in the game proper. As with light gaming I did a lot of "faffing about". Changed his uniform, adjusted his ship fit as well as his bridge officers and their gear.
From what I did experience I'm finding the engineering spec a lot more playable solo than science has been. Science is best used with groups. Engineering seems to be all about buffing your own abilities (Tank/Healing). It's been enjoyable and has given me a slightly new perspective on the game. I'll be more inclined to play this class over science. Time will tell if it overtakes my fondness for tactical (Class roles).

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