Tuesday 18 October 2016

Eve Online.... My New pre Alpha's.... pt5

I'm still falling behind with my Minmatar Faction Warfare preAlpha. I did get to update his skills but like my Missioning preAlpha his extra skills will require about 2 months extra in training time. At the half speed of the Alpha clone that will be doubled to 4 month's each.

Just over two years ago I tried to get into Faction Warfare. It never really happened. I recall getting killed by the enemy factions in faction warfare, getting killed by my own faction not to mention the ugly kills that came at the hands of Gallente "allied" pilots. There is a lot more happening with faction warfare under the hood than there is on show. I still think I have a good alliance to try and get things going. What I am very of is a large time commitment. However I do know the longer I dither the longer it will take to know what is what and start doing it properly.

So yet again I've been spending most of my time on my Caldari Missioning preAlpha Alt. Doing....

 Pondering the viability of the Hookbill. Cheaper to buy on the market than to grind LP for...

And in general ship spinning when between missions.

At least I can say that I'm not paying for it. With almost half the isk gathered for a Gnosis I may get one fit it out and fly (literally) through missions with great ease. then the challenge will be to get into level 4 missions and that may take a corp/alliance. I think Level 4's are not available to Alpha's....

Maybe I need the Minmatar alt to shake things up....

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