Thursday 13 October 2016

Eve Online.... My New pre Alpha's.... pt4

My Minmatar "PVP" character has been on the back burner. Some P.I. With a few missions to gather some isk. I doubt that this week will see anything change with him. beyond a skill queue update.

I've said it before but I'm stuck by how much I'm at home with a shield and missile Caldari mission runner. The Skill list for that missioning pre-Alpha alt is a lot easier to work with as well. I'm ignoring some skills on the Alpha skill list that will be unused, like the armour skills and electronic warfare. In saying that I think the CSM wanted npc's to be effected like players in regard to ewar etc. Well we'll see if that happens. With luck it won't. If it does those skills may end up back on the list at some stage. 
Other skills have been ignored due to the cost of the skillbooks, 20+ million each for the likes of mining, distribution and security connections. At least for now. All funds are being aimed at a Gnosis and it's fit. A cruiser is underpowered for level 3's. It's doable for most but I'd like to not worry (warping in and out) and cruise through the missions in a battlecruiser instead. Everything in Eve doesn't have to be hard all the time.

As that character stands the skill queue has all the rest of the Alpha skills lined up. With a grand total of 74 days till completion (rounded up).  He has 41 days left of the 60 day account, leaving 33 days that will need to be trained but at the half speed of an Alpha, that will be doubled to 66 days. Once those are done I can stick on any skill that's still allowable from the Alpha clone list, with no rush and all the time in the world.

I did splash out with some isk and bought blueprints for ammo and some blueprint copies for ships, containers and other items. I also got a mobile depot and an M.T.U. As well as some cheap cloth's....

I've started to wondering if I could extend the amount of "full" time I had on him with the €5 content pack but it turns out that those packs only extend the current trial system day's. I wonder if this will change once the Alpha's kick in, it would be interesting to get an "updated" content pack that keeps your character as an alpha but the "updated" pack increases the speed of skill training to "omega" levels. Food for thought.

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