Tuesday 4 October 2016

Eve Online.... My New pre Alpha's.... pt2

My two 60 day accounts were still fully usable and I got to activate them with no fuss whatsoever. As it turns out both codes were for full new accounts. So that's two month's full game time for each account. Much better than what I thought were extended trials. So two new accounts with full access to everything. Not to mention being able to have both logged on at the same time.

Overall the only problem both characters have faced has been with unsolicited and random Corp invites from random people. It's almost as annoying as in wow.

I've taken the time to setup two planets on both characters to bring in some extra isk.
As well as setting up two jump clones each for the sake of utility in an unknown future.
Skill points to be with luck refunded once the skill is removed from the game (see CSM minutes page 17 second last paragraph).

By far the most time I've spent has been on the Caldari character. I'm a pve Caldari shield and missile flinger at heart so it's no wonder.

Caldari perspectives:
I've completed the starter missions, all 3 career agent locations and the sisters epic arc. Mingled in some Caldari Navy missions here and there. It's all been easy isk and the free ships/mods from the career agents are the draw for completing them again. Each bloodline has a starter station and a set of career agents. Easy pickings.  The epic arc has also boosted standings so I may get to hit level 3 missions with SOE faster than with the Navy.

During the end of the SOE arc a player called out in local for extra dps help with the end "boss". I needed my Minm alt to help finish my own so I felt for the player's woe, not to mention there were only three people in system including him. I offered help and he took it. We took the npc down in no time. quick help and glad to lend a hand. That "boss" is a pain to try solo. I found it slightly funny that my few day old character was helping a 15 day old character. Perspectives and training I guess goes to show you can't judge player skill's by in game time.

The bulk of the skills needed almost fit into the 60 day time frame. There are still a few other skills that will even at half speed in November only take a few weeks. So it's not all bad. With so much done on this character I'm almost on the cusp of feeling comfortable in getting this character into a Caracal. I'd feel better in a Gnosis fro level 3's but the character doesn't have that kind of cash yet.
I'll be solo in the starter corp for a while yet, although I do have my eye on an alliance that should be good for this characters PVE.

Minmatar Perspectives:
I found it strange that the Minmatar character's skills were lacking in some area's ( no armour rep skill and no armour rigging skill ), yet was over skilled in others imo, like missiles. I've had the character training in a lot of core skills, but I will need more time to think about what I will be really using and the fits that will be needed and hone in on specifics for the skill list. For sure this character will need more time than the Caldari mission runner. This character will be trained in both armour and shields, guns and missiles, not to mention e-war. While doing less on the resource gather and processing side. Even at that there is so much more time needed to get everything done it may be well beyond the accounts 60 day's.
For now this character has completed the basic starter missions and the 3 sets of career agents. With isk to spare and the PI bringing in more there is no need to kick off the SOE epic arc. I've spent some time looking into the Faction warfare options for a Minmatar. More research required.

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