Friday 28 October 2016

No Man's Sky.... Screw this....

I am one of the unfortunate few that has been trying to find/squeeze the last bit out of the game. Even knowing the spoiler worth spoiling. I thought I'd push hard and fast over the course of a few gaming sessions to get to the centre. I now find myself frustrated in that one goal.

Progress means nothing....
Progress in the game really does mean nothing. The longer you grind for the mats the worse you make it for yourself. Doing is the undoing when playing this game because the more time you spend in it the more wasted your time is. There has been a lot of talk about the game being about the journey. I've been in other games that I can say I did for the journey but none were like No Man's Sky, the others at the very least gave back in some small way. NMS just takes, takes your time, takes your efforts, takes the fun out of playing with not a hint of reward.

Procedural generation my ass, they should have made the seed greater for random generation because I've been seeing the same thing all over the galaxy.

So yes the one goal I had that made me go on was self imposed. I wanted to get to the centre at least once. To say that I had done it. But that goal has become so tortuous I have thrown in the towel. At this stage I feel a lot like Sisyphus, but unlike the Greek gods Hello Games wont' even reward my toil with one roll of that boulder up the hill. Screw it.

The last worthless wormhole:

I find the Duo who "monitor" my progress. Funny how they can zip a space station around the galaxy.

I ask for the shortcut help.

Oh look 'another wormhole'.

I undock and find that wormhole in space. I'm 162713.2 Light-years from the centre.

I go to the wormhole.

I enter the wormhole

On exiting the wormhole jump I see that it has moved me 781192 Light-years!

So I look at the map. Seems I'm now 161005.7 Light-years from the centre. Not quite the shortcut I was looking for.

Maybe I shouldn't have taken that left turn at.... If only there was a pot of gold at the end of the wormhole.

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