Friday 7 October 2016

Eve Online.... My New pre Alpha's.... pt3

Having newer characters in Eve allows for a very satisfying "skill training completed" moment on logging in. Seeing the message with 8 skills done is gratifying. This becomes more of a "moment" even at later stages of the game, but at that stage you've been waiting a month for one skill to complete.

I noticed another skill limit for the new Alpha but is (soon to be was) part of the 21 day trial.
21 day trials can train the Drones skill to level 4 which in turn allows the character to train Salvage Drone 1. Alpha's will not be able to skill up into using Salvage Drones as the Drones skill is limited to level 3. That makes me a sad panda.

I've been ignoring my Minmatar/Faction Warfare alt. I'm slightly regretting picking Minmatar. It was the draw of the Rifter and the Thrasher that I fault. As I've already started I may as well continue. This character will have a lot more skills to train and use for a lot longer than the Caldari mission runner so there is probably more utility in the long run with this character. Lots of time to work on activities yet.

My missioning character progressed well with skills as well as standings. He is currently doing level 3 missions for the Caldari Navy. So I took the plunge and got the Caracal. I've tested it out on a fair few level 3 missions and the fit works well enough. I decided to go with rapid light missiles rather than any heavy missile fit. I also took a few augmented hobgoblin drones over the normal tech 1's. The Rigs are an Anti-EM, Anti-Thermal and a Cap Control Circuit.

I'm finding that the Alpha clone skills do limit the ship and fit. Not specifically in regard to fitting a module but rather as being an overall "weak" character. It is truly a limited version of the game. As it is the capacitor runs out too fast for my liking, not that I've been in many situations that caused concern. Warping out and back a few times when receiving massive dps while picking off NPC's solves a lot of problems. It would be great to have skills at a higher level but Alpha's are limited for that reason, they want you to sub to train higher.
I'm sure that I'd be able to grind standings to reach level 4 agents but I doubt that they will allow the new Alpha's access to them.
I also splashed out and got the character a set of basic implants with a few extra in slots 6 to 10:

Ultimately the best/biggest ship he will be able to fly is a Gnosis. If he gets in with a mission running crew then it would be the best he can bring. Even at that it may be too much of a mixed bag fit. Targeting range isn't bad but missile range would need an AB to keep the fit capable. I'm interested to see how the Alpha changes will kick in after the 60 day's. The new ghost fitting tool will be a great asset to help with assessing these new clones. If I do go on solo then at least the Gnosis is a goal and overkill for level 3's (SOE by that stage).

I'm enjoying this return to a lower level of play within Eve. It will be interesting to see if that skills list is increased or changed. As well as accessibility to other non skill related activities like PI and implants. Not to mention character hi-sec safeties and multiple simultaneous login's.

Ultimately these Alpha clones will have more time than skills to train but I do want to maximise the 60 "full" day's that the accounts have. I hope there will be a lot more information due at Eve Vegas.

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