Monday 30 April 2018


A begging letter from the CCP Online Dev team. Charming. Talk about milking your playerbase.

Strange how they don't say the difference in Alpha and Omega rewards is 'just' a battleship. That one caveat allows them to sell it like this. With a time limit. And handy links to reinstall the game, or recover your account.......

XV Anniversary Rewards
Upgrade before 6 May for More

Greetings XXXXXXXXX,

Log in as an Alpha, or upgrade and log in as Omega before 6 May to receive the awesome EVE Online 15th anniversary rewards. As an added bonus, there is a staggering 50% off the 3 month Omega package on this account only, if you upgrade before 6 May!

The rewards for Omega pilots are not to be missed, so make sure you secure that upgrade in time! All gifts will be delivered on 7 May, and you must upgrade and/or log in by 6 May to be eligible.

- The EVE Online Dev Team

Ready to Reinstall?
Do it in Minutes

Recover Account Details
Usernames and Passwords

Still if you want to be milked, everyone is a free adult..... etc etc etc.

I prefer to keep the mantra "A sale is only a sale if you wanted the product in the first place".
But I'm a bitter burned customer, what do I know.


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