Thursday 12 April 2018

Eve Online....

So the Keynote speech:

49 CSM candidates. Meh.

Triglavian Scope video turned into a live action stage cringe presentation....
They should have done another video from Angry Concord Guy.

The new area of space is an explorationist and a gankers dream. Best of luck to them both. Not interested in it for me. New ships/weapons and the skills from the new space are all cool but for me I'll be waiting until they are plentifully available on the market (Demevik frig, Vedmak cruiser, Leshak BS).
I'm really unsure about the module mutation. There will be biotech (Mutation plasmids?) when applied to a module can alter it's stats....

PI quality of life pass....

New activity tracker wheel in game..... shows what you've done and what is available to do....

faction warfare - stop stabbed ships entering FW complexes

All coming on the  29-05-2018

15th anniversary
-new XV shirt
-new XV hat
-new XV capsule skin
-apotheosis shuttle and XV skin
-omega's get an additional 3 SoCT hulls (inc the new ship) and skins skins for all 3.
+ an event for "all play styles"

3 pillars for CCP moving forward:
Game health, balance and quality....
Deepen the Sandbox.... (space colonisation) June 5th galactic war in null.....
Pushing the Boundaries and having fun.....

The new trailer was nice but I'm in no way wowed by it. I found it strange that the chat was going bananas over it. When the trailer was repeated I turned it off ....


I don't know whats more interesting to me...

PI changes definitely.
It'll be interesting to see the new in game menu changes like the activity tracker.
The anniversary gear yes. I'll be buying what I don't get as an Alpha from the market, maybe.
Along with the new ships/gear/skills from the new area in about 6 month's from the market(In saying that my characters will be Alpha and prob wont' be able to sue any of it).

There was nothing shown that made me tear my hair out scrambling for my wallet to throw cash at CCP to sub my accounts again.

I expected more from the 15th anniversary keynote.

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