Wednesday 4 April 2018

ETS 2....

I completed the last journey needed for the Sweden Event. The reality of the rewards for the cab are initially a little underwhelming. As cool as the viking is, he just seems smaller than I expected.

The better reward is the paint job. But I'll be sticking to the Chrimbo reward long-term.

The last job was a long one as I'd exhausted the countries nearest to Sweden. It took a level up and a skill point in long distance to get the jobs I needed to finish up(the second last was from Northern Italy).

I've pieced together a condensed version of the last trip and stuck it up on the youtubes. 60 minutes down to 16 with a fair few accidents and traffic violations. Semi excusable for a long journey at half two in the A.M. A combination of rushing to get it done and real world tiredness. Although I'm sure that the keyboard and mouse method I use is sub par(no wheel and a controller 'feels' wrong) and just adds to the problems. 
I even edited the video to keep most of the in game/real world P break.... Cracks me up laughing every time I see it. I was really really tired. That's immersion for you, no escape button for me. I even put the 'parking break' on.... I never but the parking break on in this game!

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