Thursday 26 April 2018

Train Valley....

Train Valley has a demo.... A proper limited(but not too limited) demo!
I've not played a demo in years....

The demo starts off easy but there are two factors that I found annoying.

The first is that as a level progresses, trains can automatically leave a station with only a few second countdown as a warning. That problem can be resolved with a lot of knowledge of the game. I'm sure there are a lot of cookie cutter track layouts and way's to loop tracks that allow multiple lines for train redirection.
In the end it's not really an annoying problem as much as needing proper train management under duress... It's an unforgiving game. You really need to know the game and it's mechanics. It's what the game is all about. It's what changes this game from a cute little mess-about to a demonic ruthless addictive hell-bound train journey to Valhalla!

The other annoyance is that new stations can pop up in the middle of your map, even if you already have tracks placed.

The new stations pop up problem you could get around by knowing placement in advance. Not a great workaround because each map really has random placement of stations each playthrough. A frustratingly game breaking element. And it is random every time, starter stations as well as 'newer stations', I have to emphasis that. You can't predict the stations to work around this.
Maybe this is a demo only limitation?!?

All in all I was thinking that the gameplay is broken due to it's random stations, "games fault, I'm not buying it". In retrospect beyond the station problem I see now that it's a far more challenging game and I might not buy it because of that. There is challenge in difficulty but to go from 0 to 100 so fast is jarring. I'm being more forgiving to the game demo than the game is to me.

The start is so so easy:

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