Thursday 12 April 2018

Eve Online....

Rant incoming:

Fanfest is a personal thing.
In my view it's a corny cringefest purely because of CCP's take in things.
Fanfest was never a thing I ever wanted to visit. I was happy to get the best parts from Youtube. The more recent years of fanfest have brought it live and only confirm those corny cringefest elements to me.
As for the socialising side of it I can barely tolerate other random players in game so introvert me wouldn't be having fun with them in person. I may be Irish but I don't drink (Alcohol) so that wouldn't lubricate things and listening to loud gangs or drunk waffle isn't fun either.

This year marks 15 years of Eve, Because of that fact I would have thought that this years fanfest would be a well oiled and thought out affair. But no CCP is CCP.
Stream delayed and down again after 15 minutes with an ISD member in chat linking the stream that was working on facebook....
Smell of shitshow.....

I'm not sure if no stream is better than the waffling shitshow that is being streamed....

Yea I'm bitter and harsh.....
CCP brought out a product to celebrate the 10th anniversary with the promise of goodies including a "mystery code" to help celebrate the journey thought he second decade.

That promise and my eagerness and love for the game allowed me to get two collectors editions for both my accounts. So that both could be rewarded for their second decade journey.
CCP took that money and ran, leaving only a mystery code card shaped hole in my wallet with a raised middle finger trailing off into the distance.

Even with a slight rekindling of hope that CCP would be honourable there was this message:

And the next things that came to the game were the largest of all structures for the game. Hope was real.... As was the disappointment with the sound of tumbleweed for mystery card holders. A true middle finger.
That stung like salt on an open wound. If CCP think I'm paying for anything in the future they must be joking. So loosing one paying player may not be anything to them but I wont' be quiet about it. There isn't enough profanity to convey my disappointment or convey the betrayal I felt and still feel.


When the stream was back up and running it had problems like the windows system sounds, USB in, USB out, USB in........ really nice to hear on a stream.... pro moves.

Hilmars Initial speech repeated a lot of his previous fanfest comments like a broken record.
What he did say:
CCP still supporting VR titles, saying Dust 514 could not have been maintained in a similar way due to the end of the platform.
Project Aurora is now Eve War of Ascension.... Coming late 2018 for Android.
Project Nova had no real new news - That it's month's away and not years. He said it would not be connected to Eve at the start but slowly over time they would start adding connections to Eve. Social first then economic.

Updated:  Link to the speech.

I dropped off the stream after that. There wasn't going to be any news until the keynote @ 17:00 today. A little over an hour from now.... Or maybe I'll ignore it all for a few days and catch the distilled news on the weekend.

If the big news of this fanfest is another unknown big enemy along the lines of the Shansha and Drifters..... That isn't really an original exciting idea.....

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